Alison Y. Kim


/ ˈælɪsən ˈjoŋʤu kɪm /

Welcome, willkommen, bienvenue, welkom, tervetuloa, 환영합니다!

I'm a research assistant in Yoan Hermstrüwer's group, where I work at the intersection of NLU, law, and legal technology. My current research interests include text generation, computational social science (particularly in law and political science), and German-language and low-resource NLU.


Nov 1, 2023 Joined Yoan Hermstrüwer’s team as a research assistant.
Jul 31, 2023 Received my M.A. in Digital Linguistics from the University of Zurich.
Apr 26, 2023 Poster accepted for presentation at 15th International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS 2023).
Mar 29, 2023 Workshop proposal on keyword consolidation accepted by SwissText 2023 committee. Check us out on June 12!
Feb 28, 2023 Wrapped up my research assistant role working on Manfred Klenner’s Stancer project.